Wow, I cant believe how long I neglected my blog! So sorry!
Michael/husband has my camera and I cant take pictures and put them on my blog. And that's a sad thing because I have SO much new stuff. Entirely new, like never made before new, like not even a bow new! I even made a few things for boys (not bows but cute t-shirts with little turtles). I am going to be doing a craft fair in March, and I am trying to get ready. I want to make a few things that make more than $3 so that my sales may add up. Thats why I have made little girl t-shirts with an adorable felt flower and beautiful green ribbon WITH a matching hair bow! I know you are imagining it now...hehe.
I made a $28 sale last week. I was SOO excited. And along with that sale came another ribbon order which means I have ribbon that needs to be made into bows. But I have gotten a little carried away with the felt so that has been put on the back burner for now. Although I HAVE to get to it before the craft fair. I am trying to keep my supplies at a minimum so that I dont get overrwhelmed. So now I need to finish making the turtle bows, finish the bow holders (paint them), finish my Quibby's Bow sign, make Ribbon bows (bitty buds and blossoming buds) THEN make bow cards. That may take me a while. But I have been putting out products like no bodies business so maybe I can finish all that before March 20th. I should have the turtles done by tonight. Then the painting tomorrow. Yikes, stressing myself just talking about it.
This week has been busy with 'friend activites' it has been nice. I had a knitting potluck at my house on Monday night and on Monday (during the day) I had a new friend come over and we went for walk. Then Tuesday was my bible study and a nice lady took me out to lunch at Jason's Deli! It has been SOO long! And I introduced her (there were other ladies too) to the ice cream/strawberries/almond concoction from my Haghighi babysitting days. It was still delicious.
This weekend should be nice, I hope, not to much planned and thats very nice.
Anyways, pictures soon I promise. Ness is fussing..better tend to him!
Harga Pasaran Rumah Di Daerah Bandung
8 years ago
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